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Creating an Automatic Table of Contents in PHP and Laravel: A Detailed Guide and Best Practices

Creating an Automatic Table of Contents in PHP and Laravel: A Detailed Guide and Best Practices


In modern web development, the user experience (UX) is paramount, especially when dealing with lengthy or content-rich pages. One feature that can significantly enhance UX is a Table of Contents (TOC). A TOC allows users to quickly navigate through various sections of an article or document, improving accessibility and reducing bounce rates. In this article, we will break down a PHP function designed to automatically generate a Table of Contents in a Laravel environment. Specifically, we will focus on the generateTableOfContent function, which parses HTML content to extract headings and generate a TOC.

This article is aimed at developers who are interested in enhancing their web applications by adding a TOC feature. Whether you're working on a content-heavy website or looking to improve SEO, this guide will provide a step-by-step approach to implementing this functionality.


Code Breakdown

The generateTableOfContent function is designed to automate the creation of a Table of Contents based on the headers in an HTML document. This function works seamlessly with various languages, including Persian (Farsi) and Arabic, without any issues.Let's break down the code and analyze its functionality.


Step 1: Regular Expression to Extract Headings

The function starts by using a regular expression to search for all header tags (<h1> to <h6>) in the HTML content. The preg_match_all function is used for this task:

preg_match_all('/<h([1-6])*[^>]*>(.*?)<\/h[1-6]>/', $html, $matches);
  • Explanation: This regular expression matches any HTML header tag from <h1> to <h6>, including any attributes within the tag. The second capturing group (.*?) extracts the text content inside each header tag.
  • Advantages: Regex is efficient for simple parsing tasks like this, where the structure of the HTML is known and consistent.


Step 2: Initializing the Table of Contents Structure

The function then initializes the TOC in the form of an unordered list (<ul>):

$index = "<ul>";

The variables $prev and $counter are also initialized. $prev keeps track of the last heading level (H1, H2, etc.), and $counter is used to generate unique slugs for each section.


Step 3: Iterating Over the Matches

The function loops through the matched headings and processes each one:

foreach ($matches[0] as $i => $match) {
    $curr = $matches[1][$i];
    $text = strip_tags($matches[2][$i]);
    $slug = 'section-' . $counter++;
  • Current Heading Level ($curr): The heading level (H1, H2, etc.) is extracted from the first capture group in the regex.
  • Text ($text): The content of the heading is stripped of any HTML tags using strip_tags.
  • Slug ($slug): A unique slug is generated for each heading based on the counter. This slug will be used as the anchor in the TOC.


Step 4: Adding Anchor Links to the HTML

Next, the function adds an anchor (<a name="...">) to the heading in the HTML content:

$anchor = '<a name="' . $slug . '">' . $text . '</a>';
$html = str_replace($match, '<h' . $curr . '>' . $anchor . '</h' . $curr . '>', $html);

This ensures that each heading is clickable from the TOC, providing an easy way to jump to that section.


Step 5: Building the TOC

The TOC is dynamically constructed based on the header hierarchy:

$prev <= $curr ?: $index .= str_repeat('</ul>', ($prev - $curr));
$prev >= $curr ?: $index .= "<ul>";
$index .= '<li><a href="#' . $slug . '">' . $text . '</a></li>';
$prev = $curr;
  • Handling Nested Lists: The code checks if the current heading level is greater than or less than the previous one. If it's greater, a new <ul> is started. If it's smaller, the code closes the previous <ul> tags. This ensures that the TOC reflects the hierarchical structure of the headings (i.e., an H2 will be nested under an H1, an H3 under an H2, etc.).
  • List Items: Each heading is added as a list item with an anchor link to the corresponding section.


Step 6: Returning the Modified HTML and TOC

Finally, the function returns an array containing the modified HTML (with anchors added) and the generated TOC:

$index .= "</ul>";
return ["html" => $html, "index" => $index];

The modified HTML can be rendered on the page, while the TOC can be inserted wherever appropriate.


Advantages and Limitations


  1. Flexibility: This function works with any HTML content containing standard header tags. It's adaptable to various types of articles and documents.
  2. Speed: Using regex for extracting and processing headers is fast and efficient, making the function suitable for dynamic content generation.
  3. Simplicity: The code is relatively simple, making it easy to understand and modify for specific needs.


  1. HTML Structure Dependency: The function relies on a consistent HTML structure, specifically the use of <h1> to <h6> tags. If the HTML is not structured properly, the function might not work as expected.
  2. Limited Support for Non-HTML Formats: The function is designed to process HTML content only, making it less suitable for other content formats (e.g., Markdown or plain text).
  3. Performance with Large Documents: While efficient for typical use cases, the function may become slower with very large documents containing numerous headings.


Best Practices

1. Handling Complex HTML

For more complex HTML structures, such as documents containing custom header tags or additional classes, consider using a DOM parser (e.g., DOMDocument in PHP) instead of regex. This allows for more robust HTML parsing and manipulation.

2. Improving Readability and SEO

  • Descriptive Headings: Ensure that each heading clearly describes the content of its section. Descriptive headings improve the user experience and help search engines understand the content.
  • Unique Slugs: Ensure slugs are unique and readable. Avoid using non-descriptive slugs like section-1, section-2. Instead, use slugs derived from the heading text for better SEO.

3. Optimizing Performance

If you're dealing with very large documents, consider caching the TOC or breaking the content into smaller chunks to improve page load times.

4. Adding Accessibility Features

For better accessibility, consider adding ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes to the TOC and anchors. This will improve the experience for users relying on screen readers.


Extensions and Improvements

1. Multi-Level TOC

To improve the functionality, you can extend the helper to support a multi-level Table of Contents. Currently, the function supports nesting up to six levels (H1 to H6), but the nesting could be made more customizable based on specific project needs.

2. Support for Markdown or Other Formats

To expand the usefulness of this helper, you could integrate it with a Markdown parser or other content formats. This would allow the same TOC generation functionality to be used across different content types.

3. Integration with External Libraries

If you need more advanced features, consider integrating external libraries like simplehtmldom or DOMDocument for parsing HTML content. These libraries provide more control and flexibility when working with complex documents.


Using the Function as a Helper in Laravel

The generateTableOfContent function can be easily integrated into a Laravel application as a helper. This function works seamlessly with various languages, including Persian (Farsi) and Arabic, without any issues. Laravel allows developers to define custom helper functions that can be used throughout the application, which helps streamline code and makes it reusable across different controllers or views.


1. Creating a Custom Helper File

To use the generateTableOfContent function as a helper in Laravel, we need to follow a few simple steps:

  • Step 1: Create a helper file: First, you need to create a new PHP file where you will define your helper functions. You can create a helpers.php file in the app directory or another folder of your choice. For example:



Step 2: Define the function: Copy the generateTableOfContent function into this file. Here's how the helpers.php file might look:


if (!function_exists('generateTableOfContent')) {
    function generateTableOfContent($html)
        preg_match_all('/<h([1-6])*[^>]*>(.*?)<\/h[1-6]>/', $html, $matches);

        $index = "<ul>";
        $prev = 2;
        $counter = 0; // Unique link counter

        foreach ($matches[0] as $i => $match) {
            $curr = $matches[1][$i];
            $text = strip_tags($matches[2][$i]);

            // Create a unique slug based on the counter
            $slug = 'section-' . $counter++;
            // Add anchor to HTML
            $anchor = '<a name="' . $slug . '">' . $text . '</a>';
            $html = str_replace($match, '<h' . $curr . '>' . $anchor . '</h' . $curr . '>', $html);

            // Build the table of contents
            $prev <= $curr ?: $index .= str_repeat('</ul>', ($prev - $curr));
            $prev >= $curr ?: $index .= "<ul>";

            $index .= '<li><a href="#' . $slug . '">' . $text . '</a></li>';

            $prev = $curr;

        $index .= "</ul>";

        return ["html" => $html, "index" => $index];


Step 3: Autoload the helper: To make the helper function accessible throughout your application, you need to load it automatically. You can do this by adding the helper file to the composer.json file under the autoload section:

"autoload": {
    "files": [


After editing the composer.json file, run the following command to refresh the autoload files:

composer dump-autoload


2. Using the Helper in Laravel

Now that the helper is defined and autoloaded, you can easily use it throughout your application. You can call the generateTableOfContent function in your controllers, views, or any other part of your Laravel application.

Here’s an example of how to use the function in a controller:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class ArticleController extends Controller
    public function show($id)
        $article = Article::find($id);
        $contentWithTOC = generateTableOfContent($article->content);
        return view('article.show', [
            'article' => $article,
            'contentWithTOC' => $contentWithTOC['html'],
            'tableOfContents' => $contentWithTOC['index']

In this example, the generateTableOfContent function is called to process the article’s content, generating both the modified HTML with anchor links and the TOC. The result is passed to the view where it can be displayed.


3. Displaying the Table of Contents in Views

Once the controller passes the TOC to the view, you can display it easily:

<!-- Display Table of Contents -->
<div class="toc">
    {!! $tableOfContents !!}

<!-- Display the content with anchors -->
<div class="content">
    {!! $contentWithTOC !!}

This way, you can automatically generate and display the Table of Contents for any content that has headings.



By incorporating the generateTableOfContent function as a helper in your PHP or Laravel application, you make it easy to reuse the functionality across multiple parts of your project. Laravel's helper functions provide a clean and efficient way to manage repetitive tasks, enhancing maintainability and code readability. With this setup, you can automate TOC generation for any HTML content, improving both user experience and SEO performance. This function’s flexibility also ensures it works perfectly with languages like Persian and Arabic, adding to its versatility in multi-lingual websites.

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